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Assissi - Trento - Lake Garda

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Assissi is a town situated in central Italy. The town was founded  by the Romans after they took control of the region in 295BC. It is the birthplace of St Francis who in 1208 founded the Franciscan religious order.  Shortly after this St Clare, with the help of St Francis, founded the religious order of Poor Sisters. 

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A city situated in the Alps. It was first conquered by the Romans in the first century BC but after the fall of the Roman Empire was invaded by many other nations. Eventually, in the 14th century, Trento was taken over by Austria.  It was not untill 1919 that the city once again became part of Italy.  In the 16th century Trento hosted the Council of Trent, which sought to reform the Catholic Church in what is known as the Counter Reformation, Catholicisms answer to the Protestant Reformation which was sweeping parts of Europe. 

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Lake Garda


Lake Garda in northern Italy is the largest lake in Italy.  The area became part of the Roman Empire in 268AD after a ferocious battle between Rome and an alliance of German tribes.  After the fall of Rome the region would pass between many countries down the ages until finally becoming part of the Republic of Italy in 1945.

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